Sunday, December 20, 2009

One about Cats

Here at Cats and Cheese, I try not to talk about cats too much, lest I sound like a crazy cat lady (which would be quite easy, just ask my co-workers). But as of late, I've found a new blog about a cat, and I just had to share: OMGKitty!

OMGKitty! follows the life and antics of Katamari, the "cutest scottish fold cat in all of Brooklyn." This blog has caught my attention and now I'm hooked. Katamari's Mom, A.V. Phibes, has kept an online journal of Katamari since she decided to get a cat for her apartment a few years ago. Nowadays, Katamari may look familiar because this Halloween, she blew up the internet as the cat in a lobster suit, pictured here:
OMGKitty! The blog is accurately named, because that's all I think anytime I see a new picture of Katamari. I have even bought cat toys based on recommendations that Katamari has liked, and my cat has in turn liked very much. If you want a fill of a cute cat in brooklyn with folded ears, I suggest following Katamari ASAP. Especially if you want to see her dressed up like a spider....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Television Without Pity

Well, now that I've had a bit of a rest from this blog, I am jumping back in the swing of things to recommend one of my favorite websites: Television Without Pity


If you have ever watched a TV show and thought to yourself "Yeah right, that would never happen in real life!" or "This storyline makes absolutely no sense at all" (ahem Grey's Anatomy) then this website is for you. Most prime time television shows now have their own recaps, and different authors write about each series episodes with wry humor and insightful meanderings. I have been reading TV show recaps off this website since before they were bought by Bravo, and the site has improved vastly over the years. The sheer number of articles that are written each week is amazing, and each separate writer gives their own take on the show, whether it is believable and portrayed well or if that episode jumped the shark. They now include Movies Without Pity and multiple video blogs, my favorite being Trailers Without Pity. It is also a good past time at work when and if you have free time to read websites at your leisure.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pizzeria Mozza

Last weekend my husband, my mom and I traveled to LA for my sister's (and future husband's) wedding shower. The weekend was great and the shower was fantastic! I think it was the best wedding shower (especially for a couple) that I have ever been to!

On Saturday, we also threw them a delicious pre-wedding dinner at Pizzeria Mozza. For those of you who have never heard of this place, it is hand's down one of the best places I have ever eaten at in my life. One thing is for sure, Mario Batali sure knows his food.


The restaurant is family style, which means you put your order in (since this was a private party, we did this ahead of time) and they just bring out food for everyone to share. We started with some delicious appetizers of Fried Squash Blossoms, Bruschetta, a prosciutto plate and a small salad, then moved onto the most delicious caprese salad I have ever tasted.


The cheese was a burrata instead of mozzarella, and boy did it makes a difference. Then onto the copious amounts of pizza - 4 different kinds to be exact - yum!


As for dessert, I don't think the restaurant should be allowed to serve it anymore, as it is probably the most addicting dessert of all time. Butterscotch Budino, foreign to me before the night, has quickly overtaken molten lava cake as my favorite dessert.


Overall, even though I love Mario Batali's east coast pizzeria Otto, I think Pizzeria Mozza in Los Angeles takes the cake! (or dare I say Budino???)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scene Unseen Movie Reviews

Alright, so I haven't been posting for awhile but I plan to make it a more regular endeavor....

For the last 9 months or so, I have become a die-hard fan of a very creative Podcast whose platform is all about movie reviews.


The idea is simple; two guys who work in the film industry review a new release, but with a catch! One has seen it, the other hasn't. Chris, the "scene" reviewer, has seen the movie and can talk about the plot, storyline, cinematic achievements, director, actors, etc. Jimmy, the "unseen" reviewer comments on whether he would rather see the film or not, based on marketing, buzz, the actors, director etc. They are very knowledgeable about the film industry and have some great sparring sessions, since differing opinions are on par for these guys! They also have DVD recommendations based on the genre of movie they are reviewing, and the recommendations are a great way to amp up on some interesting movies you may otherwise not have known about. Their new website also has great posts relating to the film industry or other interesting stuff they've seen on the interwebs. It's a unique way to decide whether you would rather be a "scene" or "unseen" for the film yourself!

Ms. Pac-Man in the Big City

Ms. Pac-Man in the Big City

I recently came across this video and thought I should share. Very creative use of Ms. Pac-man and the ghosties. As one Youtube poster said "This is what awesome is made of." Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reading is great for the mind

It seems everywhere you go everyone and everything is either blaming the economy or blaming the environment for their troubles. From housing to fast food, everything seems to be taking a turn for the worse. Somebody has to come up with a solution somehow! I have found a great website to help alleviate costs and reduce your carbon footprint, even by just a bit!


This is an incredible website where members can swap books (and DVD's and CD's) with each other... for free*. All you have to do is sign up, add available books to your bookshelf and once you successfully send out a book to another member, you get a credit for a book of your choice! If you don't have any books to post, you can add money manually, but how many people have tons of books lying around that they don't know what to do with or are just collecting dust? This helps reduce your waste as the books you send and receive are being "recycled."

There are a few caveats to the website, as you have to print out the address label, mark the books sent and received, and add postage (but it's media mail, so most of the time the postage costs less than $2.50). You are also subject to only selecting books that other members have posted, so it's not the same selection as Amazon, but the more people who join and add books, means there will be more selection! It is such an incredible deal that I have been using the site for over a year now, and have been extremely happy with it.

*There is the cost of postage to send books out, but using stamps feels like it's free!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Things that DO NOT make me happy

So I have a love hate relationship with Paige Premium Denim. I love their jeans because they are very comfortable and make my legs look nice. What I don't like about them is that I have purchased two separate pairs of their product and both times the jeans have gotten a hole in them within 6 months. This time, it took less than one month!


Look PPD, I know you are trying to sell a look and lifestyle with your product line, but come on. I am a slender young woman who just wants to be able to wear the $150+ pair of jeans she just bought for more than a few weeks before they decide to give up and a hole forms right in the nether regions where you absolutely do not want a hole to form. I love you but I don't think I will be purchasing another pair from you.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Soup

If you know me, I watch a lot of television because of the most wonderful invention in the whole world; Tivo. One of my favorite shows to watch on a weekly basis is the hilarious "The Soup" with Joel Mchale.

I have been watching this show on and off since it used to be named "Talk Soup" with Jon Hendersen, but I have been watching it religiously since I started using Tivo. I love how great Joel Mchale is with any quip on reality shows and contests that are on television these days, because honestly, the people on many of these shows are just ridiculous. I personally try to watch as little reality TV as I can, but like to know the antics aren't going unnoticed (and un-ridiculed). I assume that many people feel this way and a show made entirely to poke fun at ridiculous story lines and "reality stars" makes my weekend that much better.